Thursday, February 24, 2011

Macro week 6

 Kiwi 1:2 Focus Stacking, consisting of 18 images, on a light table lit with a minnie, 55mm lens at F8
Lemon 1:1, 55mm with bellows extension, F32@3seconds, back lit with two 750s
Lemon 1:2, 55mm, F32@4seconds, I used a Nikon SB-600 flash and reflector cards to light it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stop Motion Video!

So here is my first stop motion video. It consists of 201 images. Hope you all enjoy it!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


This is my first Focus Stacking project. I shot this with a 55mm macro lens, the focusing stage and two 750 studio lights. This image consists of around 15 shots. Thanx Cara for letting me use one of your flowers!

Macro week 5

All of these shots were a 1:1 ratio and shot with a 55mm macro lens. The first shot is obviously a candle flame. The second shot is water droplets on my shower door with the flourscent bathroom light on and natural window light shining through the window. The third and fourth shot is of the screen in the bathroom window.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sneak Preview of Stop Motion Video

Since I've been home alot, drugged up because of my wisdom teeth, I've been really bored. Soooo I decided to try and make a stop motion video, just for fun. Here are a couple of pictures from it. Can't wait for everyone to see it. Thanx to Mary Beth Graafsma for my inspiration!!!!

Macro Week 4

This week I've been really sick due to wisdom teeth problems so my photography assignments have taken the back burner. The beads were lit with a 750 studio light and a scrim. They also had christmas lights mixed in with them. They were shot at a 1:2 ratio with a 55mm macro lens. The colored pencils were shot at a 1:1 ratio with a 750 studio light.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What is it?

For the past two weeks we've had to turn in "what is it?" images for our Macro class. These three images are mine from this week. The first shot is a dog brush with dog hair. I back lit it and it is shot at a 1:1 ratio. The second is crayons at a 1:2 ratio. The third image is the end of a pen shot at a 1:2 ratio. I experimented using the bellows extension and I found it very difficult to use. It took me a great deal of time to capture the image of the pen with the bellows. Even though it was frustrating I'm happy with the outcome.

Macro Glass

For our Macro Class we had a assignment to shoot glass in a dark field and light field. These images are shots of the top of a lantern. I used a 105AF and 55mm macro lens. The F stop was F32 to get a good depth of field and the shutter speed varied from 4 seconds to 8 seconds.